About SCI

Our goal is to create synergy between social entrepreneurs, educators and social impact actors working in the field of social innovation to achieve systems level impact. Our values include empowering others, respect and integrity for those we serve, and encouraging collaboration with partners.

About Catalyst 2030

Catalyst 2030 is a global movement of social entrepreneurs and social innovators from all sectors who share the common goal of creating innovative, people-centric approaches to attain the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The State of Social Enterprise 2024

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There are around 10 million social enterprises globally, united by the principle of putting purpose before profit. $2 Trillion Annual Revenue Social enterprises are generating around $ 2 trillion in revenue each year while creating positive impact. 200 Million Jobs Social enterprises are creating 200 million jobs across various sectors, from agriculture to financial services. $1.1 Trillion Financing Need Social enterprises are seeking around $1.1 trillion in external financing (beyond personal savings). 1 in 2 Led by Women One in two social enterprises around the world are led by women, compared to 1 in 5 conventional enterprises.

Author: World Economic Forum

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